Knoll B.V. introduces special edition of the MidiFix II Midibaler

Our KNOLL MidiFix II Midibaler is now also available in a special edition! For this special edition, we have had stickers made in gold and silver metallic colours. ————- The MidiFix II combines the operations of baling and wrapping in one machine.. A MidiFix II consists of a bale chamber equipped with 14 symmetrical chamber […]

Invitation for KNOLL Fieldday in Val, Mpumalanga province in South Africa

Invitation for KNOLL Fieldday in Val, Mpumalanga province in South Africa .  Next week Thursday, 15th of February our South African KNOLL importer, Witwildt CC is organizing a fieldday with KNOLL MultiBalers. Please feel welcome to visit to discover all the possibilities with our machines working in the field. We are looking forward to meet you there […]


Recently we delivered a very unique combination of machines to a new customer from Abu Dhabi.

This customer had seen a similar combination in action and contacted Knoll B.V. whether we could supply them with the same system as a complete combination.

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